Sunday, December 6, 2020

23 years married

 Today marks 23 years. Crazy how time flies. Marriage is a job. You have to work at it. Somedays are easier than others- some days are really hard. Some days you love and some days honestly- you just Don’t. On those days- don't quit. Too many people throw in the towel. When you stick it out you realize  those rough times are the glue to everything once they are over. Remember your vows say- for better or worse, rich or poor. Many times easier said than done-i realize this. But many times these parts of the vows go hand in hand. Remember things are easier when you have a partner to share with. 


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Catching up

 So I was going through my password book and found my blog, time to catch up. 

My last post was 2015 when my oldest son had his first day of college. So here is the update. 

Backtrack a tiny bit to July 2014: foster boys of 4 years went back home with their mom. Long story short they now have another sibling and have been adopted by another foster family. The heartbreak honestly was almost unbearable, but the happy news is they are doing well and have settled. Hard to believe its been a 6 LONG years. 

2015 to present

Theres been a lot of heart ache and a lot of joy. I will focus on joy. My oldest son David is now graduated with a bachelors degree, has a great job and got married May 2020  during a pandemic, to my beautiful daughter in law Jewel.  

My youngest is also doing well, has learned what heartbreak is, but currently happily single, enjoying his hobby (cars) and no longer living at home. 

On Sunday Dec 6 2020 i will celebrate 23 years of marriage. 

In a nutshell, that brings us up to date. I hAve an “empty nest”, the hubby works 3rd, and covid has left us with no social activity or church so ... Im pretty bored, slightly lonely- partially depressed and realizing that with all my flaws Im still ok. Im still God’s chosen and he hears me. 

This is going to be a place of many thoughts, possible venting, encouragement, reality, devotions, and whatever else i feel like writing about. 

This is me- My Nest- My life

Monday, August 31, 2015

David's first day uconn

Hard to believe my first born goes to college today.  I am so proud of the man he is becoming.  I pray God leads you e very step of the way.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Missing you...

A day has not gone by since July 19th 2014 that I have not missed you both so much. I never thought i could feel so much pain. I miss your  tiny hands..your art..i miss your footprints and finger prints in my house. I still have not removed them.  My home is full of your belongings,  my heart is fullof your love.  I miss your laughter and your tears. I miss both of you more than you'll ever know. I have not been able to see you since November 1st and it is just tearing me  apart inside and out. I miss your constant chatter,  doing our puzzles and wrestling.  Oh just to hold you again.  Your bear hugs and butterfly kisses, your "kiss on the hand".  I miss picking out your clothes and shoes. . And searching for belts that fit.  I miss you both wanting to dress sharp and wear a tie to sunday school.  i miss being your mom. I pray God keeps you in his loving care ... but tonight just like every other. .I will shed tears for you.I MISS YOU and loveyou foreverB&G.


Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Elf has been busy ...

Proud of Brayden's work she left some treats for him under her tree

The animals did not approve of her snack!

Zara was found wrapping gifts!

Today it appears she met Spider Man!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Peru update, it's getting closer to departure time!

Tomorrw will be 23 days until departure to Peru.  We have our first meeting for details on our trip to Peru....
So far what I know is that it is their summer season there so it is hot, We will be staying with a family there rather than a hotel, which I'm rather excited about.  It will be nice to be with the people. 
We purchased our luggage and our passports are in....
I will keep you posted .....